Happy Boxing Day Test Eve

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< 1 minute read

The thought that anyone might visit this website on Christmas Day is, frankly, horrifying.

However, Christmas Eve is just the sort of don’t-know-what-to-do-with-yourself kind of day it was made for, so we’ll wish you a happy Festivus now.


  1. Damn you, KC.

    If I want to look at your godforsaken website on “so-called” Christmas Day, I shall jolly well do so.

    Daisy keeps asking me what intelligence has appeared on the KC site ahead of the Boxing Day test. It breaks my heart to have to tell her “no intelligence at all”.

    I know it’s Christmas, but you are monarchy. Standards need to be maintained.

    I’m planning on logging on at 15:00 and I’m expecting a corker of an address. Better be good.

  2. Hello

    NOT so am seeking out company of those who might understand. My family are all like “but now you get to spend Christmas with us!”. I discard them.

  3. A Christmas discard! Amazing Mims. I will send all my enemies – including Giles Clarke and Screaming Lord Marland – Christmas discards every year from now on. Very sorry to hear about your Melbourne play-and-miss… Do hope you’re okay!

  4. KC – where were you? Thousands of us turned up for your Xmas message only to find silence.

    We’re devastated.

  5. No Christmas special from the King. Oh well, maybe next year.

    Following the test match tonight from eastern France: no access to TMS on the net… Back to deciphering Radio 4:

    “Anderson comes in to bowl and … [unintelligible words pronounced in an excited tone mixed with interference from a German radio station]” This is followed by messing around with the radio on the vague hope of finding out whether he was just smashed out of the ground or has bowled Hussey for a duck…

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