1. The Americans do go in for humiliation of those to be tried – none of this innocent till proved guilty nonsense. Clap ’em in irons!

  2. I’m baffled, I thought only people with moustaches were evil.

    Vlad the Impaler
    Gengis Khan (sounds like a cricketer)
    Merv Hughes (was a cricketer, perhaps not evil?)
    My Wife

    I was just reading that Gengis Khan killed 1,748,000 people in one hour, that’s bad.

  3. So that’s why England mysteriously lost to the Dutch the other week.

    Dark forces at work.

  4. Thesaurusrus – genius list you compiled there; I actually laughed out loud when I read the last one! I hope for your sake the missus doesn’t read this blog or that kill count might increase by one more.

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