Tim Bresnan falls between two stools

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< 1 minute read

Not really cycling.

And not cricket either.

He gets one point for trying to broaden his horizons. Zero points for execution.


    1. I am not entirely sure – Tim Bresnan does look like a man who is likely to fall off a stationary bike.

  1. One of my favourite impromptu cricket experiences was in the high hills of Yunnan province in China, written up and published a couple of years ago on this very site:


    Had I slipped over on the zho dung laden ground described in that piece, I suppose you could have headlined it “Ged Ladd Falls Between Two Stools”.

    It’s raining, it’s getting dark, I’ve still got work to do, I wanted some brief distraction…

  2. I went to Edgbaston today. The highlight was when the 11-year-old girl who was mascot for the day announced that her favourite player was Tim Bresnan.

    It rained. Then we had beer and a curry.

    How’s that?

    1. I feel short changed.

      That superb match report could have been a whole piece, rather than merely an appeal on someone else’s piece.

      But I suspect you feel more short changed than me, today, Sam, even though you got your money back.

      I have been there many times. I truly empathise. And I know that doesn’t make it feel any better.

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