Jermaine Lawson signs for Leicestershire

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Jermaine Lawson having a bit of a smileWe could just reproduce the article about Fidel Edwards signing for Worcestershire, but can we really be bothered reading through it and changing the names?

It’ll be interesting to see what Leicestershire’s team will be like this season. At present they’re an intriguing mix of old, experienced foreigners and virtually untested young English players. We’re led to believe that this is a deliberate policy and it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out.

At any rate, it’s good to see a gaggle of young English players being given a chance. We’re used to watching Lancashire who’ve got a whole host of young players who might realistically expect to play for England one day, none of whom can get a game because the first team’s clogged up with ageing all-rounders.

How will the ageing all-rounders of tomorrow get enough experience to keep the ageing all-rounders of the day-after-tomorrow out of the side?


  1. Speaking as one whose team (Durham) had, for part of last year, the wondrous limpet Chanderpaul – who will be back with us for the second half of the summer -can only say bring on the West Indians.

    …and that was a corking comment about Lancashire’s ageing all-rounders….

  2. It’s okay, Suave. We’ll remove your initial comment to save your shame.

    However, we’ll leave the second one in to make you look even more ridiculous.

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