An eye-rolling return for our much-shrugged-at feature ‘mop-up of the day’ in which we very briefly make reference to something you probably expected us to write significantly more about before tacking on a couple of unrelated links at the end of the article.
Today’s Big News is that AB de Villiers is apparently “in talks” about returning to the South Africa team for the T20 World Cup. Cricinfo reports that, “conversations on the subject have been ongoing for several months,” which is how these things always seem to go with him.
De Villiers is pretty much constantly on the verge of a return for some World Cup or other but it never seems to actually happen. He’s like comeback king Shahid Afridi only with no follow-through.
Before he was involved in an eternal discussion about his return, de Villiers was involved in a protracted debate about not playing. Who’s involved in this conversation? Presumably there’s a WhatsApp group called ‘Does AB want to play or does he need more of a rest?’ and every few weeks someone remembers it and it kicks into life again.
In other news…
We’ve added a link to the answers for last week’s crossword. They’re in .xls format.
Our twice-a-month email The Edge should be going out tomorrow. The last one was sufficiently filthy that it got flagged as spam by many people’s email providers. We can think of no greater recommendation, so please sign up for that.
At this point, it feels very much like we should ‘throw forward’ to what else will be happening on King Cricket over the next week or so, but the truth is we’ve no idea.
A B deVillers – he’s my mate – do you want me to have a word with him for you?
Crossword – I’m just three shy of completing it now (13, 24, 34 – I really should be able to solve those but I’ve frozen) – I’ll resist clicking the link perhaps another 24 hours to see if inspiration strikes – it is a great puzzle IMHO.
Edge – yup, that 4 December one was languishing in Hotmail’s junk – I have retrieved it and shall read it later.
Your inability to “throw forward” – I salute you. I probably speak for many KC readers in celebrating your unwillingness to forward plan too much. In any case, you could always delve into that pile of as-yet-unpublished Ged pieces and give one of those a go. The 2014 heatwave/Iain Spellwright one might warm the cockles of our hearts this bleak midwinter.
Worth noticing that, as far as the theme goes, and if one is being accurate, 4 and 33 each have something missing that is supplied by 34.
Am aware of that, which is why I am especially gutted that I cannot yet solve 34. In truth, 2 evaded me for a long while and then just popped into me head when I read the clue again at breakfast this morning.
I’d never heard of a 34 until I got it today through Bert’s various clues.
Ged Ladd is a crazy mixed up kid who went on-line many years ago with hopes and dreams, but simply couldn’t move on.
His alter-ego meanwhile had been with various providers, both corporate and personal, since the very dawn of the world-wide-web. Anyone remember CIX? Compuserve?
The alter-ego sensibly moved on to gmail for personal stuff long since, but Ged stuck around with Hotmail, where he just mucks about. Is that OK, DC?
Ah, usenet. I used to read comp.lang.c pretty much entirely for the flame wars.
I think the problem is that ABDV resigned prematurely, he should have made sure he lost an election first.