1. Following on from last week’s article about a comment several months late, here is a picture several years late.

    Can we have an article about that whole D’Oliveira affair? Wasn’t Bodyline terrible? I hear that The Beatles have a new hit record out. Mr. Chamberlain will save us, don’t you worry.

  2. Looks to me like he’s just plucked it from Michael Clarke’s arse. No wonder they’re all so relieved.

  3. If you’re looking for point, Rishabh, this isn’t the place.

    On the other hand, if you’re looking for a website that has jokes about out-of-date and irrelevant photos, enjoy.

  4. Lucky Warneys only showing you his ball, there are many young ladies who never wanted to see his point, but his point was revealed to them nonetheless. It’s a damn good thing that this post has no point.

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